How Self Defense Helps Trauma Recovery
Discussion with Peg Shippert, Licensed Professional Counselor on the different ways to boost the effectiveness of trauma therapy.
I was fortunate enough to be one of the professionals in the Boulder, CO area who provides services that experts recommend to help optimize recovery from trauma.
How Self Defense Helps Trauma Recovery
Peg: Thanks so much for agreeing to be interviewed.
Rachel: Thanks so much for interviewing me!
Peg: I’ve been wanting to talk about self defense in the context of trauma recovery for a long time. I thought maybe we should start by talking a bit about how self defense can directly help people in the process of recovering from physical traumas. Then I want to talk more about how and what you teach, and what you've noticed about trauma recovery in your students.
Rachel: Right, self defense to help with trauma recovery is something we've talked about that is really interesting to me.
Peg: And there are more ways that it helps, too. I've mentioned in previous interviews in this series four components of trauma recovery that different mind-body practices can help with: 1. Calming the nervous system, 2. Reconnecting mind and body, 3. Reactivating the thinking brain, and 4. Discovering a strong sense of self. I think self defense especially helps with #2 and #4, reconnecting mind and body and rediscovering a strong sense of self.
Obviously there is a lot of work with the body during self defense training. You've also been talking about how important it is to pay attention to what's going on in the mind and how that affects what the body can do in a critical moment. And vice versa.
Rachel: That is why so much self defense is based on martial arts. When we train in the martial arts we are constantly thinking about the connection between the mind and body; how to control our body’s movements (speed, power, accuracy, agility) and our body's involuntary functions (breathing and heart rate). I can do a speed drill, obtain a very high heart rate and through breath control and focus get that rate down within seconds. This is an important skill in self-defense because keeping calm and focused during a violent or potentially traumatic event is key to reacting quickly and getting to safety.
Peg: Also, physically traumatic experiences often result in feeling very physically disempowered, because they usually involve being physically helpless. I also think working on a set of skills that are specifically designed for self defense is a fantastic way to find a feeling of personal empowerment again. I know I love that feeling of power when I've felt my body moving in a way that I can tell would be effective in a self defense situation.
Rachel: I have so many thoughts about that. It’s counterintuitive, but the smallest physical movement can have a huge impact. One example would be the act of simply getting out of the way. This requires speed and focus without taking too much consideration for size disparities. When I think about empowerment, I try not to let size be an issue. It’s a mental game for me because although I am only actually 5 feet tall, in my head I am 6 feet tall.
Rachel's Approach to Self Defense
Peg: Can you give me a brief description of your approach to teaching self-defense?
Rachel: My approach to self-defense is based on the premise that it must be simple. My techniques are not fancy because they don’t need to be and if you can’t remember it, then you can’t do it. I also truly believe that the most important thing about self defense is that through self-confidence and a heightened awareness of people and surroundings it is possible to avoid most confrontations.
Rachel: When I talk about my approach, I think it’s important to note that, as a woman, I understand how women have been programmed to think, act, and react. I understand the physical disadvantages we have, and I know how we can learn to use our bodies efficiently and effectively.
Peg: What would you say are the main outcomes you want your students to have from your classes?
Rachel: What I have found true for myself and what I have seen coming out of my classes is that through the act of just learning to hit specific targeted areas with intent, skill and precision can boost a woman’s confidence. At first many students seem afraid to hit even a pad, but by the end they are forcefully striking while visualizing an attacker and generating great power with their mind and body.
Peg: How do you work with people who are timid about using self-defense?
Rachel: Yeah, this is really an interesting phenomenon because most women want to learn self-defense on one hand, but some are afraid or embarrassed to strike another human, even one who means them harm. I’ve found, though, that once women have permission and they accept the fact that there may be people out there who will want to hurt them, they really embrace the process. This is why I feel it’s important to begin my classes with a straight-up talk that involves real-life scenarios of things that have happened to myself and women I know. This usually gets the group talking about things that have happened to them, the decisions they made and how they dealt with it in the moment. This open conversation fuels the fire and desire to learn some skills for the future.
Self Defense Skills
Peg: So, let’s get into some nitty gritty details. Exactly what type of skills do you teach?
Rachel: I think the most important thing I teach is that the reaction is as important as the technique. If you can react quickly by doing something and NOT completely freeze, you are 90% there. I tell my students that there are no rules in self defense and there is no wrong answer when it comes to the technique. If they have to use what I have taught them and they don’t do it exactly the way I taught them, I am not going to jump out, yelling, “WRONG”. I like to begin by teaching several basic strikes and kicks that are easy to learn and to remember. We start by practicing these to the air, then we graduate to hitting pads, a punching bag and humans because they all have a different feel to them. This is where the students learn what strike feels good and natural to them. Everyone has their personal favorite. After we’ve learned all the strikes and kicks, I teach techniques for common attacks on women. I demonstrate the techniques and then talk about how it won’t look like this when the students attempt it. Not only that, but it won’t look like this in real life, but this is our building block. I like to see what each person’s strengths and weaknesses are and try to encourage them to do what feels right based on the foundation I give them. While watching each student learn and practice the technique, I can see what their natural tendencies are and encourage them to swap out one strike for another. It all goes back to the permission to do what you think is right, trust your gut. This is the moment I see a lot of lightbulbs and eyes begin to sparkle as the confidence is boosted.
Peg: How much time investment do you think students need in order to develop a good set of self-defense skills?
Rachel: There are no rules in self-defense other than getting away safely. In order to be able to implement moves successfully, though, they need to be practiced and internalized. It’s supposed to be that you need to practice a move at least a 1000 times for it to become a part of you. That’s a lot, but I recommend practicing each strike 10 times (to the air, in front of a mirror, or with a partner), 3-5 times a week. It really only takes a few minutes of your time and can be done during your regular workout. I also developed a workout routine that incorporates strikes and moves from techniques that my students can do at home.
Peg: Can you tell me what classes you’re offering right now?
Rachel: Currently I offer a 2.5 hour workshop that first examines mind set, breathing, self and situational awareness, boundary setting and trusting your gut, learning and practicing basic strikes/kicks and putting it all together to learn scenarios against some common attacks specific to women (static and dynamic wrist grabs, shoulder grabs, shoves, etc from all angles).
I also offer in person community classes, private group and private individual coaching which include things such as:
Common attacks on women which will include those attacks not taught in workshops;
What to do if you fall, are pushed or are taken to the ground during an attack;
Getting attacked 101, which basically gives you the opportunity to get attacked out in the open and practice your techniques in a safe simulated environment; and
Classes specific to young girls and teens that will examine CONSENT and how to say NO without feeling awkward or embarrassed and when it’s appropriate to use force if you feel threatened.
Peg: It’s nice to see that you’re getting into some specific stuff.
Rachel's Background
Peg: I’m curious about how you got involved in teaching self-defense. What is your experience?
Rachel: I began my training in the martial arts about 20 years ago just for the workout. Since then I’ve earned a 2nd degree black belt in a hybrid jujitsu based system, a 2nd degree black belt in Shaolin-American Kempo. I am also an apprentice in the Rogue JKD instructorship program - which teaches skills in unarmed and weapons combat, anger management, crisis communication and situational awareness.
How to Take Rachel's Classes
Peg: What should people do who are interested in learning self-defense from you? How do they contact you, learn more about you, or sign up for your classes?
Rachel: The best way to know what Battle Woman is doing is to visit my website or download the Battle Woman App.
I also speak at conferences and wellness events and work directly with corporations to add my services to their existing wellness program.
Intro to Self Defense for Trauma Resolution
Peg: I want to mention here an idea that we've been tossing around for a workshop that combines a presentation about how self-defense can be helpful for trauma resolution and anxiety management with an introduction to self-defense exercises and demos, and then some general skills for grounding and calming.
Rachel: I hope we are able to put that together and offer it soon! I think it's a great combination that makes a lot of sense.
Peg: Readers, stay tuned for more information about that offering. Rachel, is there anything else you would recommend for someone who is interested in learning self defense?
Rachel: Give me a call, and let's talk about how I can help! I also like to direct women to the nearest dojo to train in the martial arts, so they can begin to learn about the mind/body connections in that environment.
Conclusion & Contact Info
Peg: Thank you Rachel! It was great to talk with you about self defense. You are such an inspiration.
For anyone who would like more information about Rachel's offerings or approach, you can visit her website at Battle Woman
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